Author : jaejonghyun [@KA_AZKA]

Lenght : Series

Genre : Dark, Fantasy

Note : ternyata banyak yang suka kuroshitsuji juga ya??? :D, ff ini emang terinspirasi dari komik itu, ff ini bakal publish tiap hari jumat, stay tune ya

yang kmrn belum baca teasernya baca dulu, ini link nya TEASER



“You know?”

“Is that really happen? That Doizu group??”

“Yes, the head president and his family ware brutally killed when they were on vacation three days ago”


“The murderer also burn the house, until their corpse were so difficult to identified but….”


“The cop also cannot find the daughter corpse, anywhere around the house, but yesterday she’s comeback with one black-clothes butler”

“How is she? She’s fine?”

“I don’t know but they said she has being raped by the murderer,  not only once and not only one person”


Dia duduk termenung diatas tempat tidurnya. Lurus memandang pemandangan luar kamar tanpa ekspresi.

Hiro berdiri tegap disampingnya, sebelum akhirnya bergerak menuju pintu ketika mendengar ketukan.

“O…” yang masuk terlihat bingung melihatnya.

“You want meet my young mistress, agasshi?”

“Ne,………….. oh Jiyeon-ah” dia menghabur masuk memeluk gadis diatas tempat tidur.

“Gwenchana? Jiyeon-ah, I’m so worry about you”

“Hem? Jiyeon-ah?”

Tak ada tanggapan, gadis yang diajak bicara tetap memandang kosong ke luar kamar.

“I’m so sorry about what happened, it must be tough for you”

“Don’t touch me”

“Huh? Pardon?”

“Leave me alone”


Jiyeon menatap tajam ke arah Boram, “I said, leave me alone!”

Seakan tak percaya, boram tercengang.

“Agasshi, maybe I’m rude but my young mistress is still tired. I think it’s better for you to take your leave and comeback next time”

Boram memandang lelaki itu bingung, namun kemudian menganguk.

“Ahh..Is that so? ……….But who are you?”

“I’m sorry for not introduce myself first, from now on  I’m Jiyeon-ssi butler. Nice to meet you “

Senyum Hiro menghiasi wajahnya, dingin.

“My name is Boram, jiyeon’s friend nice to meet you too Mr.Butler”

“Then, I’ll leave now, take care Jiyeon-ah. I’ll visit you next time”

Riang Boram melangkahkan kakinya menuju pintu, “Anyeong”

“Huh? Friend? I don’t believe such a thing like friendship”

Senyum itu kembali ada di wajah Hiro, terlihat sedikit meremehkan.

Interesting, human is so interesting.


Few days later

“Good morning young mistress” ucap Hiro sembari membuka tirai jendela kamar Jiyeon


“I’ve already prepare your breakfast young mistress”


“I’ll waiting you outside”

Membungkuk memberi hormat sebelum meninggalkan kamar Jiyeon.


“I prepared your favorite dishes” kata Hiro sambil menyiapkan sup jagung dihadapan Jiyeon

Tanpa selera jiyeon meraih sendok dan mulai memasukkan suapan pertama ke mulutnya.

Setelah suapan pertama tiba-tiba dia berhenti, bangkit berdiri kemudian menampar keras Hiro yang perdiri disampingnya.

“You called it  food, huh?”

“I’m sorry, young mistress”

“Bring sandwich to my room”

“Yes My Lord”

A demon got slapped by a girl, huh!

Hiro menghapus bekas darah dari sudut bibirnya, I don’t know it will hurt when she slapped me with ring on her hand



“Young mistress, I bring your sandwich”

Tangan Jiyeon terulur.


“Apply it on your face”

Hiro menerima obat yang diberikan Jiyeon,”Thank you, I’ll work hard to make a delicious food that suit you young mistress”

“It delicious”


“I just remember my mother corn soup, the taste is totally the same….. I don’t know why but I start angry without a reason”

Hiro tersenyum, “I know”

She’s still a little girl after all


“How can she still alive? I order you to kill her, why she still alive why??”

“I’m sorry boss, I already burn that house. How can she escape, I have no idea”

“Stupid! You too careless, I know what you did to her, you rapist”


“Now, how can I take over Doizu group if she who is his heiress still alive, Huh?”

Tangannya terulur, menarik pelatuk mengarahkan tepat di pelipis lawan bicaranya.


“No matter what happen, you must not leaking about what we have planed or you what will happen”

Nafas yang diajak bicara memburu, suaranya bergetar, “Yes, I know”

“Now get out from here, I’m sick of you”

Dengan terburu dia meninggalkan ruangan. Menutup pintu dengan kasar, seakan takut bila sang boss berubah pikiran dan mnarik pelatuk ke arah kepalanya.

Nafasnya memburu, pikirannya buntu.

“Ah, I know, I still have plan B. Get ready, Doizu group will be mine”



A cool finger beckons me

Like a stubborn I follow you

I who become your slave

I devoted my life for you

Everything for you, My Lord


“I order you, Hiro, lent me your power….protect me from death until my wish fulfilled”

“Yes, my Lord”









to be continue….

49 responses to “CONTRACT part 1

  1. daebak eonnie! tapi kayaknya kependekan dehh~
    but overall I really like this story so keep writing eon!
    Okay I’m going to read the next part ^^ *waving hands and disappear*

  2. agak aneh ya kalo bhasany kecampur2 gtu
    udh enk english tiba2 ada kalimat indony nympil
    kagok aja jdiny haha
    but overall ur story is good i guess

  3. Speechless.. I still have no idea what the ff is about.. (‘_’ ) ( ‘_’) (‘_’ ) ( ‘_’)

  4. It feels strange though, reading the story in english and suddenly there’s a part written in bahasa..
    But the story is great! Love the idea of the story

  5. Oh banyak kan bahasa inggrisnya,padahal b.inggris ku jelek…kalau bisa si b.ina aja semuanya atau b.inggris semuanya..

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